In early May, I went back to Charlotte, North Carolina where a lot of my family live. I did not grow up in North Carolina, but I used to spend a lot of my summers at my Grandparent's house on a lake outside the city.
That place holds so many amazing memories for me! I love going back there and seeing my family (my mom moved back there from VA many years ago). My dream is to take my kids there and have them spend their summers there too. We have yet to do this, but I would love to go for at least a week or two one summer! I don't know what keeps holding us back?!
While I didn't get many photographs from my trip to NC this time, I did take a few of a beautiful sunset over the lake. I used my new lens - the Lensbaby for it! The Lensbaby is such a fun lens....I might have to do a post on just that! :)
If you can tell in this photograph, the lensbaby is more of an artistic lens that gives the most amazing blur/bokah and only has a small area of the photograph in focus. For this photo, the middle tree line is in focus while the the sun is in a bit of a blur!
Another of the sunset with the lensbaby:
This one is not in my Etsy shop yet, but it will be at some point!
I love these photographs! This is the lake I spent so much of my summers at. I think spent the entire day swimming! I was so much fun! I am so jealous that my mom and grandma get to look out on this every day! Just being there to visit family brings back so many amazing memories!
Now, if I could only move there! :) But, I still love it here in Colorado!!